On Fridays, I like to participate in a group blogging effort called
Five Minute Fridays. Today's topic is "jump."
Since my progressive hearing loss took a southward turn in March, I've been trying to figure out what is next for me. This has required some "jumping in" to test the waters. Here are a few things I've jumped into:
Finding other people like me. The internet is full of them! I have joined several facebook groups for later-deafened adults. Some lost hearing progressively, others lost it suddenly. It's not so much that misery loves company, but that others have traveled the road and can help each other figure out resources, etc.
Exploring cochlear implant options. I have met with a surgeon who says I qualify. We are working for insurance approval now. This is a huge step, and one that I will jump cautiously into...if the insurance gives me the go-ahead. If they say no, I will probably jump into a media circus!
Learning (re-learning?) sign language. I need to improve my communication options. The irony for me is that I have a degree in deaf education...but that was 30 years ago and my sign language skills never were very good. I am going to deaf meet-ups to practice signing, working through an
online class, and toying with the idea of a summer immersion class at Gallaudet (deaf university in DC). I'm having so much fun...remembering signs and why I studied deaf ed to begin with.
Considering a career change. This new deafness didn't land on me randomly. There's a purpose for everything. Could it be I'm supposed to get back in deaf ed? I am exploring my options there...if God has a plan for me (and I know He does--He said so: Jer. 29:11 "plans for good, not for disaster..."), then I need to be open to figuring out what is next. I'm excited to figure this out.
Staying positive. OK, this is hard for me...my senior class prophesy has always bothered me: "...will write the book the power of negative thinking..." ugh. I'm a realist. The reality here is I am deaf. Deaf is better than many things..(i.e. death, divorce, cancer). Why is this happening? I have no idea..but it's permanent and it's part of who I am. This didn't catch God unaware while He was busy taking care of someone else. So, I am looking for the good in it and moving forward. What is the good? So far I have realized: my husband is the greatest human I know, my mother (also lost hearing) is one of the smartest people I know, and many, many people love me and are happy to repeat themselves over and over.
As things happen in our lives, we can curl up in a ball and cry, "Woe is me!" or we can embrace them and say, "How big is my God that He would trust me with this!" I'm choosing to jump in on this one and trust that He is far bigger than a little problem like deafness. What is He trusting you with? What do you need to jump in and embrace today? Can you trust Him enough to let go and jump?