Friday, November 8, 2013

Some truth

When I have time or inclination, I participate in a group blog activity called "Five Minute Fridays," where women around the world link blogs together. The topic is pre-selected. Today's topic is "truth."

We all learned from Jack Nicholson that sometimes we cannot handle the truth--well, not always.

Here are some truths that are hard for me to handle, often on a daily basis:

1. I am profoundly deaf. Some days are just not good hearing days. I am so blessed to have a cochlear implant and hear better than before--but I still miss a bunch. I have to remind the people I work with (students and other teachers) that I am still deaf and need them to speak to me and speak one at a time.
2. Past mistakes continue to haunt me. Decisions made in the past have long term effects.
3. You do the best you can and hope that's ok.
4. Living in the world of woulda, coulda, shoulda will make you sick.
5. Children grow up way too fast.
6. Parents age way too fast.

I learned a few new truths this year and want to share them with you. If you've read my blog at all, you know that my implant surgery was up there in "big miracles." The insurance told us "not covered," yet it was (big deal when a procedure is >$100K). This was my first really, really big answered prayer. I've seen these "biggies" in others' lives, but not usually mine. I have felt God's hand of protection on me this year, and His hand of provision.

 Recently, I've been praying for Christmas. Specifically, for some cash to provide Christmas for the kids. Yes, they're older and can get along with less...but Christmas is fun and more so with a little something under the tree. After 2 years of unemployment, the hubs is working...but he's self employed and it's feast or famine. It's been famine of late, so I've prayed for Christmas. Again, I see God provide cash to others, not me (even though the Bible says in Philippians 4:19:And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. I felt kind of selfish and a little silly asking for provision of cash,especially when so many are really suffering. However, my God knows my needs. It was with great joy and surprise that very day that I prayed that I opened an email from my publisher to see that I had a 3rd quarter royalty check coming! I co-wrote a little book about West Point and mostly sell out of my basement...but apparently more and more books are being sold on Amazon. Woot! Surprise Christmas $ sent via God!!

So the greatest truth of all my truths is this: God loves us and has a plan for our lives ("I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly" [that it might be full and meaningful] (John 10:10). 
Why? Because he sent some cash?? Absolutely not...because day by day, hour by hour He reminds us that He is there and has our best at heart. His love doesn't change. He doesn't change...and when I need to remember that, He tends to send reminders--sometimes in the form of Christmas cash.


  1. Oh, I am so glad that I came here. I randomly clicked on your post from FMF. First, I have a severe hearing loss. I wear hearing aids, but even with those, I still have a mild loss, so I require people to still slow down and talk one at a time. Oh, and look at me. Lip reading is important! And I love, love, love stories about provision. And to know that God cares...about everything.

  2. So fantastic that you've received and SEE the blessings you have. Sometimes the hard part is seeing the blessings through the wants. :) Good for you that the book is doing well. I hope that continues for you, there is a lot of information in there that was helpful for me. I clicked over here from FMF, and glad I did.

  3. Hey Lisa...Love your Blog!

    I dont have good hearing days even though I have a Cochlear N5...Got it in December 2011 and have actually gotten worse. Lost hearing in the Military due to an explosion. I have very little hearing now and the implant helps me read lips at least. Cant hear in crowded rooms...restaurants...or if someone has their back to me period. Learning to sign now. God Bless!

