Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Advanced Bionics sponsored a table at the fundraising gala for the Auditory Verbal Center of Atlanta. My husband and I and our best friends were invited to attend. This was a black tie affair with silent auction, dinner, and dancing. In the past, I never would have attended. Sure, it's always fun to dress up...but trying to feel a part of an event? That's too hard when you have a hearing loss. Trying to understand speech in a noisy environment is frustrating. In the past, I would have felt isolated and frustrated. That was not the case on Saturday night.
My friend, Amy.
When we arrived, the dance band was playing. I set my Naida on clear voice medium so I could hear the music softly but hear my friend completely. We walked around enjoying the auction and the hors d'oeurves.
Susan Frisbee, AB clinical specialist

One of  the other guests that night was Susan Frisbee, clinical specialist for Advanced Bionics. She introduced me to one of the top audiologists in Atlanta, Jolie Fainburg. Jolie is great--gregarious and very chatty--and she talks fast! At one point, she apologized for talking so fast because she thought I must be missing a bunch of what she was saying. Not so...I got it all!
Dr. Bhansali and his favorite patient!

At dinner, the table was rounded out by my audiologist Katie, and my implant surgeon, Dr. Bhansali. I'm not sure why, but I'm still a little intimidated by principals and doctors. Nonetheless, we chatted pleasantly through dinner. At one point, Dr. Bhansali asked me if I could understand him. I was a little perplexed. Of course I could (I'd switched to UltraZoom for dinner conversation). When I told him I heard him with no problem, others at the table chimed in that they could not hear the person across the table...but I could. Even the doctor and two audiologists at the table were amazed at the performance of the Naida UltraZoom program.
Me and the hubs!

Sure, there were times I couldn't hear at the when the speakers mumbled into the microphones (no one at the table could hear them, either). Going to a social event, meeting new people, and enjoying myself--well, that's a big deal for me.
It may sound corny and trite, but I have to say it: thanks Advanced Bionics. Piece by piece, little by little, I'm getting my life back--and I am truly grateful.


  1. The Auditory Verbal Center in Atlanta is where my audi is. You are having such great results. I will be there with you shortly.

  2. happy for you...and thanks for sharing such an uplifting story. You have a great surgeon! How did you find him or who referred you to him?

    Jeff, is the same surgeon going to operate on you?

