Friday, May 3, 2013

What is Brave?

 What does it mean to be brave?
Every Friday I participate in a group blogging activity called "Five Minute Fridays," where women around the world blog on the same topic. This week, the word is Brave.

What does it mean? The dictionary defines "brave" as "possessing courageous endurance."

Zip tour in Lula, GA
2 Timothy 4:7 says: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful." Paul definitely showed "courageous endurance." Do we? Do I? I was thinking about how easily I give often I think I can't do something so I don't even try. I've been trying to do better at that--sometimes with some success! Last year, I pushed forth and finished writing my book--that was a biggie for me! I'm trying to do things that I once considered either too hard or scary. I am back to learning sign language...part of that is the necessity as my hearing goes south. I need another mode of communication. I've been going to some signing groups (meet ups), and will take a class this summer.
Last Saturday, I went on a zip line tour (doing scary things). The first zip was terrifying! By the third or fourth, it was really a lot of fun! Cross that off the bucket list. I felt very brave!

I have great examples of "brave" in my life. When my son Matt was a little boy, he called himself "Matt the Brave." Now, he's a 2LT and learning to fly helicopters. I'm so proud of his bravery!
Commissioning 2LT Joiner at West Point

One of the bravest people I've had the privilege to know is Henry Friedman. He is a Holocaust survivor. Every year for seven years he's come to speak to my students and share his story. His testimony of the atrocities he suffered and his ability to move forward and not hate inspire me.

Henry and me! I <3 him!
How are we brave? When are we called to be brave? Is it to persevere in adversity? Is it to face a fear? Is it to just get up and get going when we really don't feel like it? Surround yourself with brave people. They will inspire you, and soon, you too may feel that you are one of them. Be BRAVE!


  1. `-You are one of the toughest, bravest people I know! I love you!

  2. You are a brave warrior, bless you.

  3. I loved reading this!! Kudos to your son. :-)
    I have the testimony of a woman who survived Hiroshima and her testimony of how God preserved her, and it was the same of her testimony of forgiveness and moving forward.
    Will pray for you and that sign language class. I have a dear friend who is battling throat cancer and just had his tongue removed and can no longer communicate or eat. He has an amazing family but he is needing to relearn how to communicate and they are all having to learn sign language as he can no longer speak.

    1. Sharon, tell his family about ASLU it.

  4. I loved reading and being encouraged by you and some of the brave people in your life. Thanks for sharing.
