Friday, November 1, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Grace

Grace: A manifestation of favor; mercy, pardon; undeserved gift.

It's kind of funny that the word for this Five Minute Friday (an online linking of blogs) is "grace." It's a topic I've thought a lot about lately, in both spiritual and worldly applications. Here are some random thoughts on it.

  • First (and most importantly): Ephesians 2: 8,9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. Because of the grace of God I have the assurance that I am forgiven and acceptable to Him. There's nothing I can possibly do on my own: it's all Grace. 
  • Sometimes people treat each other so poorly. I see this at school every day. I see kids treat each other terribly. I see adults treat each other with no respect or care. I see it at the mall, at the store, the theater. Everywhere I go, people are just terrible to each other. How about if we choose to offer each other some grace instead? What if someone is just having a rotten day? Perhaps we can choose to respond instead of react. Offer a little grace to the next person, instead of biting his/her head off....see where that gets you.
  • Online. I'm a part of several online communities. Some are forums, some are facebook pages. Mostly I'm involved in groups for West Point Moms (and grad moms) and cochlear implant users/future users. When you speak, you have body language and facial expressions. Not so online. People get so snippy online because they read much more into posts than what was intended. Lighten up everyone! Offer some grace! Perhaps what you think is blatant isn't there at all.

Those are my random ramblings about grace for this Friday. Do you agree? Disagree? What is grace to you?


  1. I agree with all of your observations and most importantly, the Scripture you shared. As I have been part of the dementia and Alzheimer's community (I wish I had no need), I have witnessed others offering a tremendous amount of grace. It's possibly the most grace-filled group I know and maybe that's because we are all going through so much. There is so much stress in those diseases, any time someone gives grace, it is a welcome relief. Keep writing, sweet friend! Love you!

  2. Great points! Visiting from Five Min Friday community today. The only way we can show grace to others is knowing we are daily, moment-by-moment experiencing the grace of God ourselves. Showing grace starts with Jesus, as you beautifully highlight.
